3 Simple Things to Include in Your Book’s Metadata
What is a Metadata?
There are two types of metadata that you should know as a self-published author. First, there is metadata that cannot be changed or edited such as book titles, the ISBN, the author’s name, the publisher’s name, and publication date. The other one is metadata that can be changed and edited as you like to improve the sales and engagements of your children’s book. This metadata can be changed such as book descriptions, author’s bio, keywords, social media profiles, price, and author photo.
Therefore, the book’s metadata should be as descriptive as possible, include what genre your book is, synopsis, and even keywords that will interest audiences to purchase your book. Here are the things that you can include in your descriptive metadata;
-Age-Appropriate or audience; sometimes, book sales will increase by mentioning what age is suitable to read that book of yours. Age-appropriate can be seen by how many words there are in your book, story plot, and the cover of your books. Board book covers commonly be appropriate for ages around 1–3 who are still learning to read and hardcover books or paperback covers will be commonly appropriate for readers who are in the age above 3.
- Add who contributes to the making of your book;
there is another simple strategy that likely will increase book sales are by mentioning those people who had to contribute their time and effort to help you finished your book, even if you had to hire them professionally. For instance mentioning the illustrator in your book cover, book editor, or if there is another author who assists you in the making of your book.
- Pick the right keywords;
inside the book description, make sure you use the right word to engage the audiences so they’ll be interested in purchasing it. Note that if you’re writing a children’s book, it means that your audience is not actually children but their parents as the buyer of the book that is going to be read by their children.
Originally published at https://www.tullipstudio.com/blog